General Terms and Conditions
Coupry B.V. is a private limited liability company (besloten vennootschap), registred under the Dutch Commercial Registers Act (Handelsregisterwet) at the compulsary Business Register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under registration number 67442293. As well as its statutory name, the limited liability company uses the name of “Coupry advocaten”.
All engagements, either directly of Coupry B.V., or of individual partners or employees, shall be accepted and carried out by or on behalf of the company only. Sections 7:404 and 7:407 (2) of the Dutch Civil Code will not apply.
Any liability of Coupry B.V. will be limited to the amount to which a claim is awarded under the professional liability insurance(s) in the matter concerned, to be increased by the amount of the deductible as provided for under the terms of the applicable insurance policy. Further information about the contents of the terms of the insurance policy will be provided upon request.
If, notwithstanding the provisions contained in paragraph 3, Coupry B.V. will be liable for any loss or damage that is not (fully) reimbursed by the insurer of Coupry B.V., the liability of Coupry B.V. shall be limited to twice the amount of the fees charged by Coupry in the relevant matter in 12 months before the liable event, to a maximum amount of EUR 100.000. Upon request another insurance scheme can be negotiated.
Any and all claims on Coupry for failures, faults or shortcomings of Coupry in the execution of instructions of the client will become statute barred (vervallen) after the expiration of 12 months after completion of the relevant assignment.
Coupry B.V. will exercise due care in engaging third parties at all times. Coupry B.V. is not liable for damage that is the consequence of failures by third parties. Coupry B.V. assumes, and if necessary hereby stipulates, that each engagement includes the authority to accept, also on behalf of the client, any limitations of liability on the part of third parties.
The client indemnifies Coupry B.V. against any claims of third parties, including the reasonable costs of legal assistance, which in any way relate to or arise from the activities carried out on behalf of the client, except in the case of intent or gross negligence on the part of Coupry B.V.
Coupry B.V. does not accept any liability in the event that its client money account administrator, Stichting Beheer Derdengelden, is unable to pay the client for reason that the bank where said Stichting holds one or more accounts is unable to fulfil its obligations vis-à-vis the Stichting.
These general conditions may be relied upon not only by Coupry B.V., but also by any persons or legal entities, including Stichting Beheer Derdengelden, that are engaged in the performance of any services for the client.
The clauses in these general conditions are also stipulated for the benefit of persons who are or have been employed by the company.
All services will in principle be charged to the client on a monthly basis, with a payment term of 14 days to be calculated from the date of the invoice. If timely payment is not made, Coupry B.V. is entitled to charge statutory interest.
The rates to be charged can be adjusted each year as of January 1.
The legal relationship between the client and Coupry B.V. will be governed by Dutch law.
Disputes arising from the legal relationship between the client and Coupry B.V. will be submitted
for resolution exclusively to the Dutch court(s).
These general conditions are also applicable to any supplementary engagements and follow-on
engagements. The General Terms and Conditions are available in both the Dutch and English languages. In the event of any dispute arising as to the contents or purport of these General Terms and Conditions, the Dutch language version shall prevail.
Our legal services are not subject to the alternative dispute schemes of the Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Boards (De Geschillencommissie advocatuur).
Coupry B.V. reserves the right to amend or supplement these general conditions. Clients will be informed in writing in advance of any change or supplement.